Wensleydale Chimney Sweeping | Burnright Campaign

Burnright Campaign

Burnright Government Campaign
Burnright Campaign

The Government have introduced the Burnright campaign and confirmed what Chimney Sweeps have known for a long time! A combination of wet wood and slumbering a stove (closing the air controls fully) will lead to issues of air pollution and can have an affect on public health, the environment and can cause chimney fires.

Stove Type – DEFRA Approved

Modern Defra approved stoves and Dry Seasoned Wood, Smokeless Fuel or Anthracite will help to limit emissions. However this is only part of the story, the user must understand how to operate the stove at its optimum efficiency. Referencing the stove manufactures operating instructions and following them will go a long way to operating a stove in an efficient manner. A flue pipe thermometer is also a useful addition.

I have been asked to sweep modern highly efficient stoves, burning only kiln dried wood, to find a build-up of creosote and tar in the liner and a sticky wet liquid running down the inside of the liner. This is caused by filling the stove with wood, then shutting the air controls to slumber the stove overnight or through the day. A stove must reach an optimum temperature to drive moisture off the wood. Even kiln dried wood has around 11% moisture content. The heat from the stove will bring the chimney flue up to an efficient operating temperature; failure to do this can be costly for the environment, public health as well as your wallet. In some cases it can be almost impossible to remove the deposits in the liner through chimney sweeping alone. A product like Creeaway can be used, but are expensive and not always guaranteed to get the desired results, depending upon flue construction.


All new stoves fitted 2022 onwards will have to have been tested and meet the DEFRA emissions standard. https://deframedia.blog.gov.uk/2020/02/21/government-takes-bold-action-to-cut-pollution-from-household-burning/


Dry seasoned wood with 20% moisture content or less. If kiln dried wood once delivered is left out in the rain it will suck-up moisture like a sponge!

Anthracite, high performance coal, most multifuel stoves will work well with Large Anthracite Nuts, check the stove manufacturers guidance/manual.

Smokeless Ovals, easy to light and leave little clinker, good heat output.

The Scandinavian approach to firewood, delivered in the spring, split all rounds no matter how small and store the wood off the ground, sheeted at the top with the sides open.


Coal Supplier: https://www.hawkesworths.co.uk/

Burnright website: https://burnright.co.uk/

DEFRA website, giving information on fuels and appliances: https://smokecontrol.defra.gov.uk/appliances.php

How I sweep, www.wensleydalechimneysweeping.com/how-i-sweep

Good reading, https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/Norwegian_Wood/h7exCAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0

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